(Previous version can be found here)
Asus Pundit
Intel Celeron 2.5 GHz (128 kB cache)
256 MB RAM
500 GB HDD
TechnoTrend DVB-C C2100 rev 2.1
TechnoTrend TT-budget C-1500
IR receiver in serial port
Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch)
VDR (Video Disk Recorder) 1.4.7 + plugins
(There may be some important steps or commands missing, don't consider this as a complete install guide.)
- Installed Debian
- Used dvbdev.sh to make to correct devices in /dev
- Downloaded the newest dvb-ttpci firmware (2622 as of now) from http://www.linuxtv.org/download/dvb/firmware/ and saved/symlinked it as
- Installed setserial
with apt-get and run dpkg-reconfigure setserial
(selected manual)
- Edited /var/lib/setserial/autoserial.conf
to read "/dev/ttyS0 uart none"
- Installed kernel-package
with apt-get
- Installed linux-source-2.6.18
with apt-get, extracted it to /usr/src
- Installed lirc
with apt-get
- Installed lirc-modules-source
with apt-get, did not use any autodetect but gave my
serial port details (addr 0x03f7, IRQ 4) by hand
- dpkg-reconfigure lirc-modules-source
- Installed module-assistant
with apt-get
- module-assistant -f auto-install lirc-modules-source
- Ran "irrecord /tmp/my_remote
" and taught the codes
- Copied /tmp/my_remote
to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
- Started lircd with "/etc/init.d/lirc start
- "mode2
" and "irw
" can be used for testing the remote
- Installed nvram-wakeup with apt-get
- Added nvram
to /etc/modules
- Downloaded vdr-1.4.7.tar.bz2
from ftp://ftp.cadsoft.de/vdr/
and extracted it to /home/vdr
(for example)
- Did "make
" in /home/vdr/vdr-1.4.7
- Installed some plugins
- (Made all other necessary VDR configurations, .conf files etc.)
- Started VDR with runvdr.sh in /home/vdr
(shutdown.sh is used
to power off the system, using nvram-wakeup to start again if there are recordings scheduled)
- Finally, to automatically start VDR after reboot, created vdrd script in /etc/init.d
enabled it with update-rc.d